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Friday, March 30, 2012


As Adrienne and I are changing some things on our blog it allowed me the time to look back at some of my all time fav pics. This was my first photo using my Dad's old canon film camera. I was "borrowing" it to see if I liked photography, and wanted to invest in a better, digital camera. And boy did I fall in love.
This is a photo of a little girl who used to live next door, my was she gorgeous! This picture says so much and when I saw it I knew I wanted, I needed to do more photography! It's who I am.

How Could We Forget These Cuties

In the excitement of our blog facelift we forgot to post photos from two holiday sessions.
We photographed the Engel twins just in time for Christmas.
And after a few months of schedule conflicts, things finally worked out with the Sampson family.  

Happy Friday!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weekend family shoot

This weekend I took it upon myself to use the brick backing in my sisters backyard to do a mini shoot of Cade. As anyone with a toddler knows its hard to get them to sit still or follow instructions for very long so we did it on his terms. He loved sitting next to Grey (my sisters dog) and playing fetch with him. So we made it fun and low key and I got some much needed updated pics of my love.

my love 
my love took this pic of me, not too bad 
my other love 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lovey faces!

A few weekends ago we got to shoot for a repeat client of ours! And we were so excited because it had been one year since we saw the triplets, and in March they will be 2! They were walking all over like 3 lil' busy bodies as we chased them down with our cameras.  We headed outside to enjoy the 60 degree weather.  We were ecstatic that they invited us back this year. And we hope the enjoy our pics!
Maybe you recall our 1st session with the triplets: