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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Newborn Times Two

A good friend of mine had a baby girl just a few weeks ago.
We were very excited that she called us to get newborn photos done.
The day of the shoot Holli was awake and alert.
Surpinsgly so for a 16 day old baby.
I love that we were able to bundle her up and take her outside
amongst the gorgeous red and yellow leaves falling.
The following week we got a call to do another newborn session.
This little cutie was only eight days old the day of the shoot.
She literally just melted in our hands and made our job very easy.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Tour de Fat Twenty Twelve

 "For those who haven’t experienced Tour de Fat, it is a thrilling rite of passage that includes an unparalleled costumed bicycle parade, New Belgium beer, eccentric entertainment, local food, unusual bike contests and much more. The free event, which raises money for local nonprofits through beer and merchandise purchases, will soon exceed the $2 million mark for total funds raised."

I stole the above statement from the New Belgium website.  If you have never experienced Tour de Fat you are really missing out!  It's the most unique and fun parade.  People's creativity really comes out and every participant is out to have a good time...young, old, humans and furry friends!  We saw everything from alligators to zebras, superheros to santa and everything in between!

Enjoy these photos!  I sure enjoyed taking them.
(click on any photo for a slide show and to view them larger)

Have a great weekend everyone!