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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Instagram Love

We love Instagram! 
I personally love it because it's a quick and easy way to play with photos and to document the little moments.  It's no fuss.

I take a photo using the phone camera then open Instagram and import the photo.
I apply each filter once and then choose my favorite.  Sometimes I remove the border, sometimes I like it better with it.

Is that how you use the app?  Or do you use Instagram to take the photo?  Do you use the same filter every time?  Do you always remove the border? 
Here are our favorite people to follow: 
tuulavintage - yummy travel photos
andigone - flawless landscapes
danfieldsphotog - a cool variety
elleluna - she's an artist...need I say more?
orange_owl - so many flawless photos - always a new perspective
jamieoliver - just FUN
jenniefrake - a mama with a cool flair - always seems to achieve a slight vintage look to her photos
nineteenfiftyone - a daily look into a different world - great photos
etst - another cool mama - we can't get enough of her photos - always soft
larrymarshallphotography - beautiful water photos
laurenepbath - spectacular photos and she travels - an overall favorite
moneal - perfect photos - smart
pauloctavious - fun and quirky
luludw888 - awesome dog photos
sgoralnick - she's always in the right place at the right time - creative and cool
We'd love to hear who you like to follow!
Do you love Instagram as much as we do?  If you do and you'd like to follow us here we are:

capturedbyadrienne & carebear30

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Mini Sessions! May 18, 2013 10am-1pm

Hi all,
It's that time of year again! Yippee!
Mini Sessions will be Saturday, May 18, 2013 10am-1pm.
(please note we will add additional time slots as they are needed)
   Our location this time is an abandoned farm with two small houses and a barn at Cinquefoil Ln (tiny street...blink and you'll miss it) and Harmony just west of I-25, in Fort Collins.
We offer 15 minutes of shooting time with 5-7 images on a disc to print at your leisure for $30.00 (for groups of more than four people contact us for additional charges).
We will be seeing clients by appointment only every 15 minutes from 10am to 1pm.
Contact us to schedule your appointment:
Payment is expected at time of appointment. (cash or check only please)

**click on the map to view larger**   
Slots filled up quickly last year, don't miss out!
Be sure to tell your friends!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Let's Talk About Head Shots

  Head shots!
We have been doing quite a few lately and we're happy to share them with you.
Please let us know if you have a need for business photos.  We are happy to accommodate large groups of people, getting all the photos taken in one day. 
Our prices for head shots and business photos can be found on our rates page.

Have a great day everyone! 