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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sadie's Sunflower Summer Session

In August I took some fun photos of my favorite Sadie Girl in two different sunflower fields.  Holden was along for the ride so he makes an appearance in a few of the photos.  Such cute cousins.  Melts my heart.

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Today we got to shoot this gorgeous couple at the CSU oval.  This has been a real hot spot for us lately as it offers a variety of scenes.  This couple included their precious dog Penelope in their holiday photos too!


Friday, November 25, 2011

Kai Turns 9 Months Old

I was lucky enough to shoot this little guy about a week ago.  You will see the following in these photos:  the most beautiful eyes with natural sparkle, the roundest face on the planet, and the yummiest chubby cheeks you've ever laid eyes on.  What you won't see is how loving his parents are toward him and how laid back they are as a family.  Calm.  Cool.  Collected.  Seriously, all three of them were just along for the ride.  Thank you Jordan and David!  Enjoy...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tis the Season for Family Pictures!

Today we shot the Kempter family. It had been quite some time since we shot as a team at CSU and I forgot what great variety of scenery the campus has to offer. My personal favorite is the HUGE oak trees. We had a great time shooting this young, fun family. Thank you Kempter Family, we hope you enjoy your photos!  


Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Holidays are coming, the holidays are coming!

Eeeee I LOVE this time of year. Good eats, great family, good drinks and presents. And with that also comes more photo ops for us. We are booked 3 weekends in a row with family pictures. To get warmed up today I tried to do a session with holiday lights and garland with Cade but it was an epic fail. So here are the few pics I did get!
I'm pretty sure we ran into one of Santa's reindeer today too on our drive through Horsetooth!

And this is one of my fav pics I captured today while at the park:
